Kamis, 18 November 2010

~10 Historical Misteries~

Holaa Reader, I got 10 Misteries ! I hope you know the answer ^^ CEKIDOT ! 

10. The Mystery of Stonehenge

stonehenge mystery 560x382

9. The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

kennedy assassination conspiracy 560x328
John F Kennedy Assassination

8. The Crystal Skulls

crystal skulls mitchell hedges

7. The Tomb of Vlad Dracula

vlad dracula

6. The Amber Room

the amber room

5.The Riddle of the Sphinx

great sphinx mystery

4. Jack the Ripper

jack the ripper mystery
This History is so Famous ! I'm confuse about this histroy ! Reallyy O.o

3. The Ark of the Covenant

ark of the covenant 560x188

2. King Arthur

king arthur mosaic 513x400

1. The Lost Island of Atlantis

atlantis mystery 560x355

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